Excessive use of mobiles in children.
Very important thing Parents should not use mobile phones too much in front of their children.
Nowadays it is seen that children use mobile phones a lot and their parents are very upset because children use mobile phones too much. How can this be improve?We will discuss it and also discuss how to reduce the use of mobile phones in children.
Mobile phones are a waste of children's time and at the same time it harms the health of children as it makes their eyesight weak and they become lazy.Children become obese due to constant sitting. We suffer from visual impairment as well as obesity. We have to see how children can be saved from this bad habit. It is a great responsibility on parents. They are required to keep their children away from mobile phones.
****The first solution of this problem is to give proper and quality time of your children .
Parents should give their children the quality time to take time out of their tasks and give time to their children. This builds self-confidence in children and they share their every problem with their parents.
***What do you think that today's children don't want to listen the stories it's wrong Today's children are also impressed by the stories, they also want to listen stories of the old days and epics they want to sit with their parents and want to listen the stories. Take out some time from your tough and busy routine and sit with your child and tell them some beautiful stories and listen their feedback your Will really enjoy and feel happy and tension free and children also enjoy and feel comfortable,relax and secure with parents.
**Dedicate a children's play room where Kid's can play indoor games freely don't interrupt and tease them to set their room you are fuss creating and bla bla yes tell when you finish your playing you must have to set your room that's it.
*Cycling .. Kids cycling in the street every day ,play cricket with them Basketball 🏀Puzzles, riddles. These are great little games to play with kids they can't take lot of time some minutes Will change your mind and also change the bad habits of a child.
If we say modern times If children want to use a mobile phone and play games,etcThere is no more than one hour to use the mobile phone set and fix the time to use the mobile 📲 and strictly follow this routine and have check on your child that what he or she is doing on mobile phone.
If you follow these points you will see the difference in your child habbit regarding using of mobile phone children are innocent and pure where you want to mould them they can so mould them in positive and proper manner this is the prime responsibility of every parents children need your 💕 Love, affection and care so provide them what they need like a food and other essentials.
Stay safe see you soon.
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