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Showing posts from June, 2020

Successful child

.              Salam to all of my readers and followers how are you hope so you are all enjoying the good health.             STAY  HOME AND STAY SAFE. In our last blog we were discussing about the Five main PRINCIPLES of islam to care our child. These are: Ø   Children are born pure in nature Ø   Parents are responsible to lead and guide   the children Ø   All the guidance done with mercy and kindness Ø   Children need boundaries Ø   Children need responsibilities to follow These are the five main principles to follow. NOW we are going to explain and understand   them one by one in comprehensive way.                   Principle#1 Children are born pure Our beloved Muhammad s.a.w.w said: “No child is born except on al fitra (human nature)and then his parents make him jewish, Christian ,or   magi an” The hadith states that Allah has created children pure and sinless no blame can be placed on a child if he do anythin